Prof. Aaron J. Ciechanover
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry and a Distinguished Research Professor in the Faculty of Medicine of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa
Life and death - Why our proteins have to die so we shall live [more]
James D. Wolfensohn
Chairman of Wolfensohn & Company, LLC
Beyond East-West, North-South - Peace and prosperity in a four speed world [more]
Prof. Finn Erling Kydland
Nobel Laureate for Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of California in Santa Barbara
Peace and economic development in the age of globalization [more]
Prof. David Jonathan Gross
Nobel Laureate for Physics and the director and holder of the Frederick W. Gluck Chair in Theoretical Physics at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical P
The coming revolutions in foundamental physics. [more]
Prof. Robert Alexander Mundell
Nobel Laureate for Economics and a University Professor at Columbia University in New York
Economic development by fitting globalization into the national development strategy [more]
Prof. Peter Agre
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Baltimore
'Science and the protection of human rights' [more]
Prof. Mario J. Molina
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Cambridge
'The impact of human activities on the chemistry of the atmosphere' [more]
Prof. Peter C. Doherty
Nobel Laureate for Medicine, Memphis
'The challenge of reconciling biological and cultural imperatives in the quest for peace and sustainability' [more]
Musician & DJ, Berlin
'Bridges for peace - Views of a DJ' [more]
Prof. Robert C. Richardson
Nobel Laureate for Physics, Ithaca
'Training scientists for the future: How to inspire and train the people who will solve the world's problems in the 21st century' [more]
Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Strasbourg
'From matter to life: Science and Society' [more]
Prof. Yuan T. Lee
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Taipei
'Science, technology and peace on earth' [more]
Prof. Kurt Wüthrich
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Zurich
'Structures of the molecules of life - Impact on modern biomedical research' [more]
Prof. Robert Huber
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Munich
Proteins and their Structure at the Interface of Chemistry, Physics and Biology [more]
Jakob von Uexkuell
Founder and Chairman, The Right Livelihood Foundation, London
Overcoming the Culture of Global Greed: Building Moral Leadership - The World Future Council [more]
Prof. Zhores I. Alferov
Nobel Laureate for Physics, St. Petersburg
Future Trends in Electronic Components for Modern Information Technology [more]
Dame Anita Roddick
Founder of The Body Shop, West Sussex
Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Trade [more]
Hon. Gareth Evans
President, International Crisis Group, Brussels
Conflict resolution and humanitarian intervention in response to genocide [more]
Prof. Richard J. Roberts
Nobel Laureate for Medicine, Beverly
Spreading Peace through Science and Commerce in Developing Countries [more]
Dr. Karan Singh
Former Maharadja of Kashmir and Indian Minister and Ambassador, New Delhi
Interfaith Dialogue as a Pathway Towards Peace [more]
Prof. Marcia Haydee and Ismael Ivo
Prof. Marcia Haydee, Ballet Dancer, Stuttgart, and Ismael Ivo, Dance Performer, Berlin
The Tempest - Thailand Premier Dance Performance [more]
Prof. Ferid Murad
Nobel Laureate for Medicine, Houston
The Application of Research with Nitric Oxide to the Development of New Medicine [more]
Prof. Paul J. Crutzen
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Washington, D.C.
Air Pollution in Asia and its Impact on Regional and Global Climate [more]
Prof. Jerome Karle
Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Washington, D.C.
The Role of Science and Technology in the Quest for a World at Peace [more]
Prof. Joshua Lederberg
Nobel Laureate for Medicine, New York
Health as an Imperative to Peace and Peace as an Imperative to Health [more]
Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
President and Founder, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Washington, D.C.
Can the United States Become a Force for Peace? - The US after the War on Iraq [more]