Jakob von Uexkuell is Founder and Chairman of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation, better known as 'The Alternative Nobel Prize'. He went to school in Sweden, where he was born, and in Germany. He then received a scholarship of the Christ Church Oxford from where he graduated with an M.A. in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. He worked as a writer and translater specializing in international and environmental issues before he became a Member of the European Parliament. Being a professional philatelist he sold his holdings of rare postage stamps in 1980 to endow the Right Livelihood Award Foundation with 1 Million USD. The Right Livelihood Award aims to help the North find a wisdom to match its science and the South to find a science to match its ancient wisdom. Recipients of the award are chosen in such areas as environmental protection and biodiversity, human rights and development, health, education, housing and technology. The prizes worth 230,000 USD yearly are awarded at the Swedish Parliament, on the nights prior to the Nobel Awards.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004:
14:00 Keynote speech and dialogue at Chulalongkorn University with the Social Venture Network Asia
Info and free tickets: Phone (02) 218 3331-5, Fax (02) 216 1299, E-mail int.off@chula.ac.th
Thursday, March 25, 2004:
14:00 Keynote speech and dialogue with the Heinrich Boell Foundation Chiang Mai
Info and free tickets: Phone (053) 810 430-2 ext. 122, Fax (053) 810 124, E-mail mattana@hbfasia.org
19:30 Evening talk and dialogue at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand
Info and tickets: Phone (02) 652 0580-1, Fax (02) 652 0582, E-mail fccthai@loxinfo.co.th